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Monday, July 9, 2007

How To Start An Internet Business But Do Not Know How?

My problem too . . . until I decided to do something about it!

Over the past years, I have dedicated my time to learning what works online, finding the successful internet marketing experts that provide the best money making products.

Most people want and need help to succeed with their internet business online or their affiliate marketing program, but do not know the essential things to look for and where to look.

Essential things to look for:

1. What types of advertising work best.
2. What type of advertising works FAST!
3. How to get Google to send people to your website.
4. Which search engines will send you free traffic.
5. How you can sell top products today.
6. Reviews of the top traffic generating products.
7. What to avoid when doing business online.
8. Articles jam packed with tips and information a person needs to make money online.

Marketing tools offered by the successful experts for their affiliates of their programs include:

A product review page. When a person can copy and paste the program to a file, with an affiliate ID number embedded in the copy, this makes for easy page building on a persons web site.

Text Links. A must, if the program offers none, pass on it.

Banner Ads. Also a must. I select the banners that are not animated. My belief, animation detracts the visitors attention from focusing on the page message. My opinion.

Email Copy. When using an autoresponder, this makes setting up a series of follow ups much easier.

Classified Ads copy. Much like email copy, possibly 4 or 5 lines to conform to classified ad sites.

Solo ads copy. Similar to a products review page. Keep to about 400 to 500 words.

NOTE: When a person discovers affiliate program with all of these marketing tools, that person hit a gold mine. Do not become discouraged, I know a few experts, with money making programs, offering many of these tools.

Many people today suffer from two things. These things, when combined, are almost always FATAL to their
success. They are:

1. Too little time to do deep research. A fact, it takes TIME and MONEY to learn what works online.

2. Falling prey to slick sales letters. Suffering from INFORMATION OVERLOAD?

Think about this.

Our parents can not teach us to succeed online...
Universities can not teach us about the Internet...
Experience does not prepare us for being online...

The answer? Go to the Experts. People who can help you succeed. People that mentor internet marketers.

Why learn from the experts? Saves a person time and money! The experts have the, How to Start an Online Business, figured out. My advice is to go with the proven leaders. The ones with 5 years or more experience online.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Alan Grundemeier helps people succeed in their
online business by showing them the where to find successful online
programs and the experts who run them. Techniques that work in the
real world.

Discover how Alan can help you succeed online at

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